We talk about many things in this world, but most times we talk less about Jesus. You know if we do not have Jesus we have nothing.
Any day a believer does not mention Jesus to someone, that day is lost, for a soul may not have been taken and won for Jesus.
So we spend so much time talking about our material achievements, politics, the evils done by godless people, how we will demonstrate capacity, in the things we do or will do, but all these could be ant hills. Could we talk about Jesus on what He went about doing?
There is that song we sang as youths, which today still remains an all time truth working wonders.
The song was sang this way :
Any where He goes He is doing good.
The Master Jesus He healed the lepers
When the cripples saw Him, they started walking.
Any where He goes the Lord is doing good.
Look at these :
(1) At the pool of Barsheba John 5 : 2,5, 8)
2) The hem of His garment (Mt. 9 : 20- 22)
3) The lepers were cleansed ( Luke 4 : 27).
4) By His name cripples walked (Acts 14 : 8-10)
5) The dead were raised ( Mt. 11 : 5).
In (1) – (5) above, Jesus is JehovahRapha healer.
6) The hungry were fed. (Mt. 14 :17 – 21).
And in item (6 ), He is also Jehovah Jireh, Provider.
Let us talk about evangelism, because it goes about talking about the things Jesus went about doing. Let us talk less about making money and pleasures of life , because the Master did not dwell on money, complacency and various lusts. He dwelt on saving of souls.
Let us behave like Peter at the beautiful gate who said as we read from Acts 3 : 6 :
“. . . . Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
3:7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.
3:8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.” (Acts 3 : 6 – 8).
This is the entire purpose of the gospel bag, which we are carrying, all other blessings of this life come through it, but they are secondary. Make talking about Jesus a priority.
A message from :
Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries.
Email : outreach.mvgm@yahoo.com
Website : www.mvgmng.org.