Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries
@ Miracle Valley Gospel Church
Rev. Prof. Paul Chukwukere Nnaocha.
From 2003, we decided that every year we will take one sunday as a Praise Sunday. By 2014, I got a ministration that I should buy a Talking Drum and praise God. Occasionally, I receive songs through divine inspiration/ ministration , which in the past 6-7 years, I have devoted to use those songs in praising God and with these songs I go round the Bible, speaking of God’s faithfulness. Praise is the menu of heaven , begin to explore praising God both in words and songs.
This year 2020, is very particular as a horrible virus was painted across the universe. I doubt if many thought they will survive it. By this comment I am like saying God will give us the victory. Let us continue looking up.
However, God has proved Himself by sparing us. He never created man to be extinct, notwithstanding that we human beings are doing what we like. The causative factors of the pandemic are not remote from man’s reckless will power, to be in a sustained afront with His creator. What is happening is, I perceive, God’s mild way of knocking the head of stubborn child.
We are alive today because our redeemer liveth. And Job in a desperate condition saw ahead of him that he will survive the onslaught of the devil when he said :
“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: (Job 19:25-26).
Only by faith in God will a man like Job say what Job said. Only also by faith in God shall any man see beyond this current pestilence that came upon this world in 2020.
This song came to me for the occasion of praise. I began writing this message on 15th October as I received this ministration and this is done early enough to print the message for circulation.
This message will be thrilled by praise as we begin with praise herewith. May the message and praise worship, melt our hearts for divine unction to flow, may the angels attend this Praise Sunday, and may we receive high grace to face the future Amen.
The First Message Song.
Let us sing as follows :
1. Oh! God our help in ages past
Our help for years to come
Our shelter from the stormy blast.
And our eternal home.
2. Under the shadow of Thy throne
The saints have dwelt secure
Sufficient is thine arm alone
And our defence is sure.
3. Before the hills in order stood
Or earth received her frame.
From everlasting Thou art God
To endless years the same
4. A thousand years in thy sight
Are like an evening gone
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun.
5. Time like an ever rolling stream
Bears all its sons away.
They fly forgotten as a dream
Dies at the opening day.
6. Oh! God our help in ages past.
Our hope for years to come.
Be Thou our guard while life shall last.
And our eternal home.
He has been our helper in ages past
He is our shelter from the stormy blast
Under His shadows we have dwelt secure.
Sufficient is His arm , our defence is sure
From everlasting Thou art our God.
Time is like an ever rolling stream.
Creatures are passing away like a forgotten dream.
As YOU Lord is our help in ages past be Thou our hope in years to come.
And be our guard while life shall last and our eternal home.
We may never have enough words to speak about what God is to us.
But GOD is faithful. He has been our fortress and our guard, our helper , our hope, shelter and our eternal home. These have been proven by His eternal and faithful Words in scriptures.
So our assurance is proven, by these notes :
1. He is our Fortress :
“The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” (Psalm 18 :2).
Thank you very much Lord, for being so to all Your children.
2. He is our Helper :
“Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.” (Psalm 54:4)
God being our helper there is no load He cannot lift for us. God being our helper, will be with those who wish us well and support our cause, where there is the need. God as our helper fights many unknown battles for us. When the evil ones arrange a devilish court against us in the spiritual realm, God has been there to speak for us.
It is marvellous to pray for Israel.
So as we have gone through gruelsome circumstances this year, God had seen us at all the morning, the noon time and all night.
3. He is our Hope.
Reading from Isaiah :
38:18 For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth.
38:19 The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth. (Isaiah 38 : 18-19) Amen.
For that reason the theme of this Praise Sunday is “every living soul praise the Lord”, Ps.150:6:
“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” (Ps.150:6).
Father you delivered your people and still delivering them from the virus and other pestilences in this generation.
You gave us food, when the nation locked us down, without food, in their effort to protect us, so they said and they shut our worship places as we longed to worship and behold Thy face, we were shut off from Your house. We groaned in this burden for You remained our succour and to behold You is always precious to us.
Notwithstanding our hope is not cut off, so we are in the land of the living today to praise You.
Thine assurance to us works as you told us that our confidence in You shall not be cut off.
Ps. 118:8 : It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
118:9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.
118:10 All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them. (Psalm118:8-10).
Sickness invaded our universe, but our trust in You sustained us. Criminal minded people were on the rampage, shedding the blood of other human beings, but your people were secured for trusting that you are able and you dried out our tears.
We cannot declare any better thing this day than to go into an endless praise. At a time the white people said Africans wil die anyhow, because of the virus, but Thou art the one that put smiles on our African faces SHALOM !
It is not because we have been faithful in Your purpose, but rather because those who hope on You shall be carried high on the eagles wings, above the torture of what the learned people call corona virus.
4. He is our Shelter
Art Thou not our great God, who art the shelter of the homeless, the shelter of the weak and the defenceless, from the stormy blast of the enemy . We glorify You Lord this day. Papa God, we would not have been here, but for Your magnamity to uphold us. When we see in the distance some who passed away, we can quite agree that Your compassion over us has no measure, for we got so much from You that we never deserved.
“For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.
61:4 I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings.” Selah. (Psalm 61 : 4)
This verse is the commitment of the man who remains grateful to You, for your unfailing mercies and such is why we are here to tell You we appreciate Your love.
5. He is our Eternal home:
And so we can sing this second praise:
Because He lives we can face tomorrow.
Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know He owns my future
My life is worth a living
Just because He lives.
They told us to mask our nose, mouth and to stand at distances from one another. We Your creatures, made by You, through love are mow seen as infectious to each other. Have we become lepers ?
We can no longer hug our loved ones, we can no longer shake hands with each other. Is this not how far our sins have have taken us? Definitely this is no longer the world you created for us and said “all is fine”.
1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31).
And because the Lord God liveth and had pronounced the world to be good, we can also live. These restrictions shall come to end, when you bring to an end this dreaded issue on earth.
Papa God, you never made the grave the abode of your faithful children, that is why we are surviving. We will not die, but will sleep at Your appointed time and wake up to meet You in the city of gold.
Of course our enemies and what ever diseases that crawl on this earth will have no power to withhold your people to meet You in the sky.
We will out live this virus, because You promised us eternity.
Counting on Your divine plan, we lay hold on scriptures that we will :
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12).
Our praise Sunday in this year is outstanding.
God is faithful to all believers in Him altogether.
We have heard, but not seen such a pandemic that treated the rich and the poor, the crippled and the able bodied men of might and power as equals. A pandemic which has humbled everyone and people began to go on their knees. Many have lost hope in their capabilities , be it in medicine, because they have seen their emptiness.
The pandemic affected all statesmen in one way or another and this has come definitely as the revelation of God’s awesomeness.
We have seen the Lord’s goodness,
His mercy and compassion,
We have seen the Lord’s goodness,
Halelujah praise the Lord.
Many great men of valour and wealth have gone, this situation is a great evangelist, which has made some hardened people begin to think about worshipping YOU the eternal God.
But Papa God as we praise You today, we are begging that You stay away this matter. Can I say we have learnt some lessons and many have the OPPORTUNITY to think about heaven.
Pardon your children Lord.
Papa stay away Your hand from this whip and whipe out our tears.
Thank You Lord.
Praise Sunday at Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries @ Miracle Valley Gospel Church.
Email: iutreach.mvgm@ yahoo.com.
Website : www.mvgmng.org
National Headquarters :
Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries
Covenant Bethel, Ummuehiri Umuele Amazano.
Njaba Local Govt. Imo State Nigeria.
Regional Headquarters:
Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries.
34, Bisi Adelesi Street, Agiliti Mile 12.
Kosofe Lagos Nigeria.