
As the children of Israel entered the Promised Land,  God warned them  not to marry their women,  or worship their gods. But when they got there after the earlier leaders had died, they married the women of Canaan, took after their gods. God therefore sold them  to their  enemies, who turtured them and even took them into slavery. The shame lingers today. What about us and our God today? Are we abiding?  Let us think on this.


A new house could be a new experience. Houses are built by some people  by themselves and some houses are built for some by people. Interestingly,  some rent new houses for themselves. Which ever the process for entering into  a new house,  it is a new house, with new experiences arising from the interior of the house, the compound where the house is situated and the environment and its people.

The environment could be the people and their cultures, the new friends that will most often be people you have never known before. You will  have issues to grind with the culture of the people in your new environment. No one should take too many steps at the same time in such uncertain situations. There are many things to learn and we must be guided by the wisdom of God.

If you sell yourself to the environment

and let it  run your life, because you do not ask God to take over,  beware, for you may count many loses. So take Jesus  with you,  when entering a new house.

Herein the scriptures tells us :

“Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: (Proverbs 24 : 3).

The house can be all the struggles to become what we want to be. Even after getting to what  we desire, we  need understanding to establish our cravings.

As a convert into the christian faith, you are entering a new house that has principles or codes of conduct. You either abide in them or sink.

We must know that God Himself is the embodiment of wisdom.  He that gets into God has wisdom supernatural.

3:4 For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. (Hebrews 3 : 4)

Often these words of wisdom from God are turned into fables. At a time the children of Israel regarded sitting before the prophet of God as going to hear  his songs. Do not mock God’s  Word, for it is same as mocking God.

We must never walk into a new situation in the wisdom of our hearts, but let us walk into  every situation in  the wisdom of God.

Before you get into what you call a new house, circumstance, situation, note that God has been there before you.

If indeed, you are God’s child He will make a way for you.


“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord”. (James 1 : 5 – 7).

The Advice To The Man Who Seeks Wisdom:

“Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth”. (Proverbs 4 : 5)

A man could be wise but lacks in understanding. We need the two. We must not be a confused lot.  Wisdom with understanding helps in application of what is revealed. Some know God, but have walked with idols and its demons.  Beware.

Fear God:

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding”. (Proverbs 9 : 10).

In recent years this world has been engulfed by learned people,  some are  the celebrated women,  who are lesbians, some men are homosexuals,  they have entered to a new environment of  a new life, gotten by associating with people,  who do not fear God. These people derive ephemeral power from the cosmos of spirits and have by that traded off their salvation for applause of men.

The knowledge of God is understanding. You will be safe in your new experience  of life if you know the Lord and to keep His commandments.

The Cravings for material weaith.

Many abnornal living by people on earth are definitely,   outcomes  of a desire to be wealthy and to stockpile influence. They easily get recognised in the cities. People who did shopping quietly before can no longer enter the streets without escort. This scenerio is not the fear of being killed,  but the fear of fans who are there to hug them or even touch their hands. If this is not of God,  it is simply the mockery of satan. God’s  illumination of you,  which men see in you and want to identify with you, is above all things. The woman with the issue of blood said wthin her ” Even if I can touch the hem of His garment I will be healed”.

Here the scripture exhorts us :

“How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!” (Proverbs 16 : 16)

Fools May Mock This Message:

“Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate. (Proverbs 24 :17).


God warned  Israel to beware of their women, to beware of their gods. But we must note that in the new  home in Canaan, they married their women and served their gods. We know   that the afternath  of this tragic history is still their undoing to this  day. Wait for my message by God’s  grace on 18th March 2018 on Israel in the promised land. This will be my 2018 March Anniversary Speech.

Sermons from Miracle Valley, March, 2018.

Rev. Prof. P. C.  Nnaocha