(Skills Acquisition Institute.)

We have completed the Building of the above institute and in the process of doing the finishing, so that we can bring in some equipments we have into the Building.

The objective of the institute is to begin training students of the college in several skills, while doing their academic work.

This is a non-profit making arrangement, to enable young people, to be productive using their hands. This is a Christian endeavour to help nurture less privileged people.

We solicit support from the public to get this section ready for launching training from September 2023.

We are looking forward to spend an estimated sum of N1,900,000.

The breakdown is as follows:

 Flooring, plastering and ceiling of :

(1)  Main building= N726,000.

(2) Toilet area N342,000.

(3) Home Economics kitchen  N363,000.

 Iron doors and iron windows for the whole workshops  N385,000.

= N1,816,000.


Your support will be appreciated. May the  Lord encourage us using you.

Please on our behalf from Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries, forward this request  to your friends with a Christian endeavour mind.

The  pictures show different sides of the complex. The bungalow section shows the workhop. The storey building carries the lecture  classrooms and conference hall of the entire school.

We remain grateful to you.

Our designate account for the project is:

Zenith Bank Plc.

1011650390 favour Miracle Valley Gospel  Ministries Inc.

Thank you and may God bless you Amen.

Rev. Prof. P. C. Nnaocha.

Rector/Dean, Miracle Valley Schools.

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