Our Projects

The Miracle Valley projects  emerge from any of the following institutions: our nursery/primary education system, our Comprehensive Colleges, the Skills Acquisition  Institute’s. the church wing  and Seminaries. Incidentally the projects are located at our mission centres at Umuele Amazano in Imo State, Okuta-Ora in Nekede Owerri, Imo State Nigeria, at Ibereko Badagry in Lagos State Nigeria, at Obeakpu/Amako in Imo Stare, Nigeria and Agiliti  Milele 12 in Lagos State, Nigeria.

What we do is to put  in the website  our current needs at a time extracted from our five-year strategic plan  of each of the five operational centres.  We  Therefore introduce to you our immediate needs as follows :

    1. At Covenant Bethel, Umuele Amazano Imo State.

This is the National Headquarters of Miracle Valley in Nigeria.
a. school : the finishing of Miracle Valley School building requires N1,330,000. This is final work in the 10 class rooms building, the ceiling of the school library and shelves.
b. church building : The church building is completed, we have to provide aluminium Windows, iron doors and tilling of the hall and design of the altar. We want to change the  plastic chairs and put in 20 standard pews. These are expected to cost N1,781,500.  [cro_button no=”READ MORE >>” col=”4″ addr=”http://mvgmng.org/miracle-valley-project-covenant-bethel-umuele-aka-miracle-valley-private-school-umuele/”]

  1. Ibereko Badagry, Lagos
    a. nursery / primary school : We need, to complete the primary school building and have sufficient classrooms up to primary 6. The cost of completing the school is out at N1,691,800.
    b. church hall : The worship and assembly hall is built in to outstretch the classrooms.Therefore the section under construction will provide us with facility for teaching in all aspects of our programs. The other building covering the Comprehensive College and Skills Acquisition Institute has the foundation already done and the set will continue when we are through with the primary section. [cro_button no=”READ MORE >>” col=”4″ addr=”http://mvgmng.org/capital-budget-miracle-valley-jbereko-badagry-lagos”]
  2. Nekede Owerri Imo State :
    a. renovation of the nursery/primary school : Finishing of primary classrooms I.e. ceiling and repairs, will cost us  N630,000. This is the remaining work to be done to get us to primary 6 classes. We have children up to primary 4 meanwhile. The building for the Comprehensive College and Skills Acquisition Institute is not yet started, but we have the space in the compound for one- storey building for both. This will be started as soon as the above and the church hall is set up.
    b. providing the worship hall : to set up the church hall we need N1,216,000.  This hall we serve the schools in the compound. Because it is an attachment to an existing structure, we  might not need more than this sum. [cro_button no=”READ MORE >>” col=”4″ addr=”http://mvgmng.org/miracle-valley-private-school-comp-college-and-skills-centre/”]
  3. Obeakpu/Amako Imo State
    Completion of the ongoing building for the Comprehensive College, , the Skills Acquisition Institute, and the Conference Hall. The entire Centre buildings sre  estimated to cost abbout N33,000,000. But the amount of money required to complete the current  building under construction   is put a about N7,000,000. Details will be given to interested, parties. The complex when completed will provide for a conference hall, classrooms for the Skills Acquisition Institute,  classroms for the comprehensive College, library ( this will cost the N7,000,000 mentioned) , IT training rooms. Library, School laboratory, primary School, workshop for the students of the Skills Institute. The hall will provide lectures for students taking courses of the Miracle Valley Christian Theological Seminary and other conferencing.  [cro_button no=”READ MORE >>” col=”4″ addr=”http://mvgmng.org/miracle-valley-conference-centre-and-schools-obeakpu-amako/”]
  1. Miracle Valley at Mile 12  Lagos which is the Regional Office in Nigeria
    Renovation of the existing church building is a  priority project .
    The cost is estimated at : N1,050,000. The ministry has applied for land from the state government and this will be followed up when funds are available. The land will provide a worship, centre in Lagos state.

It is worthy of note that what is stated here are parts of projects at the centres mentioned. Projects which have been completed are not mentioned. We pray that friends of ministry would tell us where they  want to come in and leverage our hands. Meanwhile the ministry is working as funds are available to it. The project needs are not at static level because there is work in progress with whatever gift we receive no matter how small.


In this struggle to work in the vineyard of God we encourage all of us to note that our Labour in this will not be forgotten :  Paul the apostles encouraged the Corinthians in issues as such.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15 : 58)

It is not easy  to give out money or time to selfless engagements and in a situation like this Paul spoke to the Corinthians about the courage of the  Macedonians :

Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia; How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. (2 Corinthians 8 : 1-2)

Most the schools of Miracle Valley are rural areas where must parents cannot even pay fees. We definitely depend on you to give us a helping hand that God will use you,  to make many poor children to enjoy our quality programs. Paul the apostle linked the desperate situstion by speaking of how Jesus left His heavenly glory to bring salvation to mankind. And in this regard he spoke thus :

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich . (2 Corinthians 8 : 9)

You will be recorded as one who brought a difference into any of our locations you have supported

God bless you for the interest.



Do you want to support us?
Note our banks as follows:

1) Ecobank Broad Street Branch Lagos Nigeria
Account number 0032024136

2) Uba plc. Umuaka Branch Imo State, Nigeria
Account number 1005560834

3) Zenith Bank Plc , Marina 2 Lagos Nigeria
Account number  1011650390

4) Diamond Bank Mile 12 Lagos Nigeria
Account number 0062786365

5) First Bank Plc, Ketu Branch Lagos Nigeria.
Account number 2029015670

All these accounts are in favour of Miracle Valley Gospel Ministries Inl’l Inc. Our partners are free to use any of these accounts according to their conveniences.