A Selfish person is someone who knows  and thinks about himself. Selfish people think of what is good for them even at the expense of others. – They are in every home, even among kindred people. – They are in politics to do what will benefit them.. – Selfish people cannot be satisfied . -A … [Read more…]


They that seek me find me. THE DRIVING BELT FOR TODAY’S MESSAGE : 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 … [Read more…]

Help and Helpers

 (A SERMON FOR THE MOMENT.) No one can be alone and for that reason  God gave to Adam,  Mama Eve as a helper..  In life we need physical and spiritual help, but the greatest of helps come when we are helped in the spirit and that help comes only  from God Almighty. THE RIDERS : … [Read more…]


The Great Commission  “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”(Matthew 28 : 20). The work of the missionary of Jesus Christ is to teach the people to observe what He taught them. Anything outside that is … [Read more…]


Driving belt for today’s sermon : SEPARATE YOURSELF QUICKLY, FROM THE UNGODLY PEOPLE. You may be in the church yet ungodly. Use this message to review what you do in the church, where you  worship. It is not church, but God the Almighty. He says to us ” Be ye holy for I Your God … [Read more…]

God has a plan of longevity for his creation

2023 New Year Message.         By His mercies we are not consumed. God’s plan had been everlasting life for all men. But due to sin, people die and are buried,  some go to hell, while the righteous go to heaven to be with  God for eternity. In this world such as it is today, God visits … [Read more…]


This is  an annexure to my sermon of 18th Dec. 2022 titled : THE GREATEST PERIOD OF GIFTS ON EARTH. Search for that message or alert me to forward it to you. FURTHER  ABOUT CHRISTMAS  : What is Christmas ? When I was young my mummy cooked rice once in a while. Our traditional food … [Read more…]


Mind boosting to you, a week to Christmas : A NEW ERA OF GIVING. Because  you cannot give any physical thing  directly to Jesus,  as was done by the wise men, you should  give to God’s faithful servants in your midst, for they are the undershepherd sent to the world by Christ. Those faithfully working … [Read more…]

The Mystery of Suffering

All over the world people are suffering or going through one problem or the other. Many are sick and many die. Some are poor even after working hard. In all these the mystery of suffering remains clouded and beyond visibility. Not all those who are suffering are due to their sin. Some are dieing not … [Read more…]


A Must Read ! Note this seriously : The builders build in vain except the Lord builds for them. The watchman, watch  the city in vain and loose sleep for nothing except the Lord is in charge. IS THIS YOUR POSITION? This could be your position if you set God aside in any crafting no … [Read more…]