Miracle Valley SERMON 30th October 2022. IT COMES THIS WAY: 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  (Matthew 11 : 28) There are various of burdens, but the greatest of such burdens is sickness. It can be devastating to physical life. But we have … [Read more…]

The Just Shall Live By His Faith

Bible Reading for the day : Gen. 6 : 8-22. BACKGROUND SCRIPTURES FOR THE SERMON. (1) – Noah was a just man and God marked him out of the wicked world of his time. (Gen. 6 : 9 – 10.). (2) – Through faith we can see tomorrow and its blessings including eternity  (Hab. 2 … [Read more…]


Bible reading 1 Corinthians 10 : 23 – 33. Hymn  SS&S 607 : I am thine oh Lord I have heard thy voice. The warning : Prostitutes work for hire and are never faithful to one man. Hirelings work for hire and for their belly and cannot be faithful to God. God is not interested … [Read more…]


BIBLE READING Luke Chapter  4 : 1 – 21. Lead song from Sacred Songs and solos      “Where will you spend Eternity, this question comes to you and me.” SS&S  430. The Benefit in the Message : The choice you make from this message of today will determine your victory or  fate in eternity. THE MESSAGE … [Read more…]


MIRACLE VALLEY Sermon of 2nd October , 2022. A MUST READ FOR EVERY ONE ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE  ASPIRING FOR GREAT THINGS. First Reading from the Bible : DEUT. 28: 1 – 15. Song from Hymn Book. SS&S 224. Rejoice and be glad, the Redeemer has come. Warning from the message of the day : … [Read more…]


Miracle Valley Sermon 25th Sept. 2022. First Bible  reading Daniel 12:3- end. Song from SS&S 757 Sowing in the morning , sowing seeds of kindness. The best of investments is soul winning. NOTE THIS TODAY: You can make all the money in business. make great names, build houses and buy  air crafts, have a chain … [Read more…]

The Message for today is :TRUISM.

It may be boring to some. but it is a must read for all.men. Song from Hymn book: SS&S 23. To God be the glory great things he has done. First reading for today’s worship service  from the Bible : 1 Thessalonians  5 : 14 – 24. This is an encouraging exhortation. Preamble to the … [Read more…]


FIRST Song from Hymn Book SS&S 430 : Where will you spend Eternity? First Reading: Matt. 18 : 8 – 17 Heaven and hell has something to do with life. WHAT IS LIFE? LIFE : Reference From Google : The sermon. People also ask : What is the meaning of life? life noun (TIME ALIVE)  … [Read more…]


This is the sermon for today September 4th 2022. There are different aspects of hunger, each in broad terms : (1) We have hunger for food, (2)  or hunger to succeed, call that prosperity. (3) We also have hunger  for healing. When people are sick they hunger to return to good health. (4) We also … [Read more…]

Jesus came not to condemn the world.

Miracle Valley Sermon 20th August 2022. Theme: Jesus came not to condemn the world. My joy: Jesus did not come to condemn my people, but that through Him my people might have life. A MUST READ FOR ALL FAITHS. 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever … [Read more…]