THE PROLOGUE TO THE MESSAGE. The direct Words of Jesus : 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 15:6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as … [Read more…]


And Jesus said,  “I am the good Shepherd……” (John 10:14) Prologue : 5:5 And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men. 5:6 And they shall waste the land … [Read more…]


(You may be missing great fortune if you are out of  God’s busines !) An Allegorical Presentation Of The Word Of God, Miracle Valley Sunday, 23rd June 2019. Prologue : A young man told me he is an engineer. I became anxious and asked him how he got to his present place of work. He … [Read more…]

Children’s Conference 2019

Title of Conference : “Skills and You” Schedule date : 1st Week of July. 2019. Annual event at Miracle Valley to lift the children up to having clear awareness of the purpose of life in the material world and our interface with God. This year’s conference is titled ” Skills and You.” It is going … [Read more…]

Daily Walk With The Lord.

When I was young, I know we were regular in sitting around our parents either our mother or our father. We often leaned on them and you might see them rub our head. Some of us who had eczena on our scalp they easily discovered it and prescribed some medication. They discussed with us and … [Read more…]


TIME A message for the people of God in Diaspora. Hour of Blessings and His reprimand from Miracle Valley GOSPEL Ministries. GOD’S WORD WILL SURELY COME TO PASS. TIME is of great essence in the life of men. God lives in a timeless realm, but man lives in a timed realm. So human beings walk … [Read more…]

God Is Not Far

Prologue : A man who is far is beyond reach. Even shouting may not make him to hear. But when someone is near to you, you just whisper and he hears. God is not far means He is near and whispering to Him is quite enough. You must know that God is not far from … [Read more…]


Prologue : We say we see, but do we see all?. Even when we prophesy,  we prophesy in part. Wow ! Some great men of God say they see and have become blind. Some live in presumption now. Every physical event in the universe are first concluded in the realms of the spirit. God tells … [Read more…]


Prologue : A Miracle  Valley Sermon on 5th May 2019 at Covenant Bethel, Miracle Valley Umuele. Motives which run on the platform of selfish  or  group gain   at the disadvantage of others will suffer shipwreck. Motive is the reason why people do what they do.  Motives that bring general good are sacrificial and receive … [Read more…]